Cardinal Ernest Simoni: “It was unexpected. I was visitng Vatican as a devotee”

10/10/2016 00:00

A few hours after Pope Francis proclaimed Dom Ernest Simoni a cardinal, he told to Radio Vatican how he experienced this moment.

“I was on the square, among other devotees. The Pope opened the Angelus and I heard the name Ernest Simon Troshani. I was surprised. I couldn’t believe it. It was incredible”, says Dom Ernest Simoni.

For him, this is also an evaluation for Albania.

“It is a great honor for me personally, but also for the public and the Albanian people. We have loyalty as a tradition, prayers and suffering. Religious tolerance, if we can call it like that, but we could also call it the fraternal religious love, has no other approach rather than loving the other person, may them be Catholic, Muslim, Orthodox… one only body united for God”, Dom Ernest Simoni said.

Pope Francis appointed 13 new cardinals this Sunday, who will take their duty on November 16th.

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