The Minister of Finances, Shkelqim Cani, invited in Top Channel’s “Top
Story”, declared that there will be no energy price increase in 2015,
but something will change in 2016, because the energy price is higher
than the current selling price.
“The energy system has no profits, and when losses are this big, certainly that we will face the price issue. We will see about it in 2016 and 2017, but not in 2015”, Canid declared.
According to Cani, the removal of the 300 KWh limit will be followed by a compensation for the poor categories, and these categories will also affect payments. On the other hand, Cani confirmed that those government employees who do not pay taxes will also be fired. He said that 1000 police officers will be added for supporting the energy system reform.
Buxheti 2015, Cani: Our objective, a 3% growth
The government is trying to pass its most important laws: the fiscal package and budgets. But does this budget guarantee an economic growth of 3%, as the government promised? Or the country is giving signs of collapse, as the opposition had warned?
Minister Cani, invited in Top Channel’s “Top Story”, made a general panorama of the macro-economic situation, Cani said that Albania is not a country that has passed in a surplus budget. This will be the case for the next year too. The budget format is decided based on the need for spending and on the open possibilities. If you want less revenues, inflation is the calculation factor. A better performance from the past year and if the needs for spending are bigger. If the need for spending is bigger, then we enter the tax increase, which nobody likes. To not raise taxes, we need to lower spending. The budget of Albania can allow reduce the spending in investments, which is not very easy, since they depend on foreign creditors with whom the agreements have been signed. It has been a tradition in the past years that the government only keeps inaugurating investments”, Minister Cani declared.
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