Selami Xhepa, former councilor of the Prime Minister from 2005 to 2009,
now dean of the Canadian Institution of Technology, explains in an
interview for Top Channel the consequences that a massive undoing of
concessions would bring to the economy.
“From the legal point of view, every agreement must go through courts and that would bring consequences to our country. If agreements have been taken by the government but not implemented by the Ministry of Energy, there will be no consequences”, Xhepa declared.
But however, Xhepa thinks that a massive and impartial cancel of unsigned agreements would not be a ratinal decision.
“That would not be a good decision as regards the image. These cancel decisions would certainly be followed by arguments, so that the community of businessmen and investors can come to know the rational judging. Only this way could cushion the negative effect of such a political decision”, Xhepa says.
He says that the best solution would be renegotiating agreements for all concessions that the government thinks that the public interest has not been protected, including the ones that have entered in effect. This is the method used by the former Democratic Party government with the Albtelecom sale agreement.
“The Albanian ministries that have signed could negotiate the concessionary agreements for a better protection of the public interest, especially about fees. The government has this right, because agreements can always be renegotiated between parties”, Xhepa declared.
The outgoing government took a series of decisions about concessions during the last weeks on power. Exponents of the new Socialist government have declared that all concessions and other government decisions taken after the June 23rd elections will be repealed, while older and bigger agreements would be reviewed.
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