Two days before the joint meeting between the Albanian and Kosovo
governments, businesses of both countries ask governments to leave
symbolic and do tangible things for the economy.
Agim Shahini from the National Chamber of Commerce listed 16 requests that the businesses addressed to the governments.
“We demand the acceptance of the official documents from both countries, for Customs and other quality inspecting authorities. Goods produced in Albania and Kosovo should be treated as products with an origin from both our countries”, Shahini declared.
“We must remove the fiscal barrier, VAT, and make Made in Albania products to compete with Serbia and the region. Serbia is winning over us with their products because we are not one”, Declared Donika Mici.
Although the governments of both countries have publicly promised to make it easier, businesses say they are facing absurd barriers.
“The goods produced in Durres are not allowed in Kosovo. This damages the trade exchange between our countries”, Shahini said.
“There is the desire but it is not turning into concrete measures. Cars are moving faster in Customs, but the procedures are the same”, says Luan Bregasi, Director of Business Albania.
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