Business opportunities deteriorated

20/10/2011 00:00

The new report of the World Bank, which reviews the economic situation
of 183 countries, shows a deteriorated position for Albania regarding
the facilities for the opportunities of making business.

After reviewing the data, Albania has passed from the 77th rank of last year’s classification to the 82nd. The Analyze of the World Bank is based on the rules that help or impede a business activity, and is not an indicator of the business climate in a country. According to the report, our country is ranked last for the release construction permits, while from the 242 new reforms taken in the last 12 months, the only one mentioned is the reform taken for easing the property registration.

Macedonia leads the Balkan countries, going from 34th to 22nd place. Albania has lost five places compared to last year. The Bank has used another methodology in the new report for three of its indicators: the construction permits, loans and taxes. Albania is in the last place for the construction permits, due to the fact that the authorities have not released construction permits since April 2009. The World Bank report reflects the legal framework and the rules set by the governments for helping businessmen.

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