Business fears antimafia law

13/04/2011 15:45

Business associations appealed in chorus the government for not approving the fiscal amnesty law without changing the most important article, the one that gives to inspectors the right to investigate the businessmen after the declaration.

“What we want is to change the part that damages the integrity of businessmen, after the implementation of the fiscal amnesty, which is the guaranty that this law should offer to the Albanian businessmen”, declares the Chairman of Chamber of Commerce, Nikolin Jaka.

Luan Bregasi, chairman of Business Albania, an organization that includes several business associations, says that the law risks losing its value with these conditions. This would bring uncertainty and the law will not be able to accomplish its mission”, Bregasi said.

The business proposes to the politics to not hurry and approve the law without looking for a consensus, otherwise the process will be compromised.

“Both government and opposition should find the will to cooperate, so that this law gets approved with 84 votes. This would make this amnesty complete and would not bring insecurities for the consequences”, Bregasi declared.

The amnesty law has passed to the Parliamentary Commission of Economy and is expected to pass soon for approval at the Parliament.

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