Business associations have expressed their reserves about the quick
approval of the new fiscal package, without leaving time to the business
representatives to consult it.
Summoned at the Commission of Economy, they proposed a series of measures to reduce the negative effects of sudden changes.
“To address the problems regarding the quick entering in effect of the laws, especially the changes regarding the tax on profit and the fact that 2014 will be a difficult year, we want that the tax package should foresee a lower tax grade, for example, the 15% tax could be 12%, and this may need discussion, so that it can be ready in January 2014”, declared Arsen Kurti, President of the American Chamber of Comomerce.
Another proposition coming from the business was softening the progressivity on the income tax, in order to not damage consumption.
“We want to foresee a new income level, different from the maximal one. For example, categories from 130.000 to 300.000 might be 17%. This is the suggestion made by the Chamber. We underline the need to not reduce the consumption power”, Kurti declared.
The Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Tirana proposed the review of the law for the national taxes, which increase the gas price with 10 ALL.
“We cannot have the gas price increased by 10 ALL and not react. We need to see a progressive way of this movement, so that the effect and destination of this tax could have the right evaluation and take the evaluation of the interest groups”, declared the Head of this Chamber, Nikolin Jaka.
The majority Parliament Members declared that the quick planning of the fiscal package is not their fault, but it is related to the stalemate created at the Central Election Commission . According to them, this practice will not be repeated in the next years, while they have left an open opportunity to negotiate the changes of some taxes and procedures presented in the package.
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