An economic cooperation forum was opened in China, called
“Albania-China, old friendship, new partnerships”, with cooperation of
large Chinese businesses that currently operate in our country or that
have shown interest to be part of it.
The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ditmir Bushati, accompanied by the Head of the Chamber of Commerce, Nikolin jakaj, met with Chinese business representatives to promote Albania as a country that offers investment possibilities, starting with priority sectors such as tourism, agriculture, manufacturing and energy.
“We agreed to make a map which connects the entire region. We have a clear idea how our region will be in the decade 2020-2030. I am referring to central infrastructure corridors that will connect ports, airports and main economic points in Western Balkan. A priority for us is the completion of the Adriatic-Ionnian highway, known as the Blue Corridor, which would bring a new important dimension to the Mediterranean tourism ring”, Bushati declared.
Minister Bushati also spoke about developing the railway network in Albania. He invited Chinese companies to invest, since these projects would make business easier and would group all regional economies in a single one. For the Foreign Minister, Albania has a favoring legislation for foreign investments in strategic sectors.
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