The Albanian Foreign Minister, Ditmir Bushati, declared on “Global” show
of BBC that Albania is determined to open a new chapter in the region
and its relations to Serbia.
Bushati said that his government condemned all the provocations and violence that was seen before, during and after the match. When asked if this incident could damage the aspirations of both parties to join the EU, Bushati declared:
“This is true, and if I can add some cynical notes, UEFA only received 200.000 from this disagreement. I believe that the hosting country is responsible for the progress of the match. We are ready to work together. This is a good lesson for both countries so that we can work together for reducing distinctions, for creating concrete projects and advancing in the EU integration path”, Bushati declared.
BBC’s “Global” host, Jon Sopel, asked the Foreign Minister if Rama’s postponed visit to Belgrade would be realized.
“We are determined to go on with this visit, even after the incidents in Belgrade. Both Prime Ministers had a phone conversation in which they had disagreements about the events that followed the match. But on the other hand, they agreed about the visit that will be realized next week. Albania and Serbia are two key countries of Western Balkan and we have understood, especially after the Berlin Conference, that we have many similarities, despite our differences”, Bushati underlined.
Bushati is attending a visit in London for the London School of Economist, where the Prime Minister of Serbia was invited one week ago.
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