From Washington, where he is attending an official visit, the Albanian Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Ditmir Bushati, expressed his concern about the future of Balkan, stating that it is not a unified region yet.
“We always talk about Euro-Atlantic integration, but it is difficult to say we have a single region here, keeping in mind that Albania, Croatia, Montenegro and also Kosovo want an institutionalized relation with NATO, while Serbia and Bosnia stand on different positions. Their alignment with EU foreign policies is not similar as well. That’s why our first challenge is to transform Western Balkan into a real unified region, as regards politics, economy and security”, Bushati said.
For the Albanian Foreign Minister, the Western Balkan countries are facing similar challenges as in reinforcing the rule of law, fighting corruption, organized crime, ethnic tensions and economic inequality, which make a wide gap not between Western Balkan and Western European countries, but between Western Balkan and the so-called new EU members, which puts neighboring countries in different positions.
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