Bushati blames government for candidate status

11/12/2012 00:00

The Chairman of the Parliamentary Commission of Integration, Ditmir
Bushati, unfolded the opposition’s stance regarding today’s developments
in Brussels. Bushati declared that the “no” from Brussels comes due to
the lack of reforms in what is considered the pillar of a democratic

He also commented about the European critics on nationalistic rhetoric, considering it unacceptable.  

“The Prime Minister is trying to drag everyone else in the bottom, even Albania. He is unable to offer stable reforms, which are essential for this process, which, first of all, is about the transformation of our democratic life, our economic and social development. rather than focusing on reforms and his homework, he is focused on the harsh rhetoric against the opposition, and another card that he has tried even in the past, the nationalism, which is coming in play in the most primitive form”, Bushati declared.

Meta: Politics failed with the status

During a visit in Shkoder, the leader of the Socialist Movement for Integration, Ilir Meta, declared that the lost of the candidate status for the third consequent year was caused by the Albanian politics. The SMI leader declared that the party interests were put before the national ones, but he didn’t accuse this time with specific names.

“It’s regrettable that we will have to wait again for this status. Not because Albania and the Albanians were not ready to deserve it, but because the political conflict is still there, and it puts short-term interests before the long-term ones. They put their own personal interests on the national ones. This is what stopped Albania from receiving the EU candidate status”, Meta declared.

Meta added that the politicians can dialogue, regardless the past, such as in the difficult case of Kosovo with Serbia. Despite the war, these countries have started a dialogue, which were supported even by the former Prime Minister of Kosovo, Ramush Haradinaj, just released from the international justice. Haradinaj declared that the future comes first.

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