Bushati at OSCE Ministerial meeting for “Facing Our Common Challenges”

02/09/2016 00:00

The Foreign Minister of OSCE countries met in Potsdam, Germany, for
“Confronting Common Challenges”, focusing on the Ukraine crisis, fight
against terror and radicalization and migration crises.

The Albanian Foreign Minister, Ditmir Bushati, identified the commitment and contribution of Albania in reinforcing peace and security in the region.

Expressing his gratitude for the contribution of Germany in the further advancement of the region, he said that the German OSCE leadership has recognized the importance of cooperation for crossing obstacles, and the cooperation agenda in Western Balkan could serve as a model for the other regions of the OSCE.

Bushati mentioned the creation of the Regional Office for Youth Cooperation, as a new bridge of cooperation and dialogue between the countries of the region.

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