The former Police Director General, Hysni Burgaj, appeared today at the
Tirana Prosecution to be questioned about some investigations started by
the task-force unit regarding one of the tender cases.
Burgaj was questioned by Prosecutor Ndini Tavani about the investigation for the purchase of security cameras to be installed in the capital, while the report notes that this had not been foreseen in the budget.
Top Channel: In what quality did you come here today?
Burgaj: As a witness.
Top Channel: About which case?
Burgaj: It doesn’t matter…
Top Channel: About the tenders…?
Burgaj: Yes.
Top Channel: What did you say?
Burgaj: I said what I know. I will always be transparent.
Unofficial sources say that Burgaj has declared that the security cameras had been demanded due to the high number of crimes. The monitoring of 200 cameras started four years ago, when the government gave an additional fund of 31 million EUR above the initial one that was planned for 2010.
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