Budget, no new construction works

20/12/2013 00:00

The Minister of Transports, Edmond Haxhinasto, declared that the
government will not start any new public project for the next year, but
all financial resources will be used for closing the existing works.

“There will be no new works this year, but we will close the existing one. The new ones will start next year. A huge achievement of this budget is planning to eliminate the debt that the state has owed to private companies, which reaches 16 billion ALL. 12 billion will be paid in this year”, Haxhinasto declared.

Mr.Haxhinasto was in the Parliament together with three other ministers that lead the most important economic sectors, to present the respective budgets.

“I total, the budget is bigger. There are 735 million more than 2013. Most of this budget goes for farmers as direct payment”, declared the Minister of Agriculture, Edmond Panariti.

“The Ministry of Education will have 11% of the budget, and 3.5% of the Gross Domestic Product. This is an attempt to reach our goal, which is spending 5% for education”, declared the Deputy Minister of Education, Arben Mazniku.

But the opposition preferred to focus the debate on the government’s spending in general. Ridvan Bode declared that the budget increases the debt and doesn’t stimulate the economy.

“This budget is the biggest in our history, but there is no salary increase. For the first time in 10 years, the public investments go lower than 5% of the Gross Domestic Product. This big budget, is not being used even to increase the consumers’ request for salaries and pensions, and is not used for investments? What is it used for? Just for the government’s functionality?”, declared the Democratic Party Parliament Member, Ridvan Bode.

“We have a program, and our priorities are developing the infrastructure, agriculture, education, health and reestablishing the public order. We will orient our funds according to our government priorities”, declared the Socialist Party Parliament Member, Anastas Angjeli.

The total spending for 2014 reach 455 ALL, or 12% more than 2013. But 35 billion ALL from these funds will be used for paying the old debts.

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