Budget guarantee for Vlora Airport, €140 mln for the first 10 years

20/12/2019 22:26

The highest risk for the construction of the Vlora Airport will be held by the Albanian taxpayers.

The government has pledged to guarantee the concessionary agreement with €140 mln for the first 10 years. If this profit is not retrieved from passenger traffic, it will be covered by the budget.

The tender for the Vlora Airport was opened without a proper feasibility study.

The Ministry of Infrastructure used a study contracted two years ago by the Civil Aviation Authority without specifying the exact location where it would be built. According to the Ministry, the study has been updated and well detailed.

Consultants say that the project has high risks and a low return rate, of 9.23%. For this reason, the government has offered to guarantee the concession through the state budget, based on a formula that guarantees private companies 140 million Euros of revenues for the first 10 years, even if the airport fails and the passenger number turn out to be low.

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