Budget cuts for “Main Priority”

18/11/2011 00:00

Although tourism has been constantly articulated by the government as a
key priority, the government’s 2012 Budget for this vital economic
sector has been reduced with 650 million ALL.

During the report at the special parliamentary commission, the opposition members valued that tourism results to be the most damaged voice in this budget.

“This is a shocking budget cut for the Ministry of Tourism, which I can’t understand how can it deserve that name now, when they can spend only 5 million ALL for tourism”, declared the SP member, Valentina Leskaj.

While the Minister of Tourism, Aldo Bumci, underlined that 5 million ALL are only for investments, and that the Tourism fund is much bigger.

“The investment fund is 5 million, but not for tourism. The fund is more than 50 million ALL, and goes in three directions: international fairs, promotion materials and other activities, such as international ads”, Bumci declared.

Other important sectors, such as education, health and agriculture, will receive less funds from the state budget.

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