The Minister of Finances, Shkelqim Cani, called the Draft Budget 2016 as
the budget of regional development that will deepen the reforms and
wull reduce taxes.
The Minister introduced the draft budget and underlined three characteristics.
“First, it is focused on development and welfare of citizens. It supports traditional sectors, such as agriculture and forests. Secondly, it increases the competences, services and funds for the local government, turning into a power that offers potential development opportunities. Thirdly, another characteristic of this budget is that it will not raise taxes. It will encourage new jobs and reduce poverty”, Cani said.
However, the Conference of Chairmen started with clashes between the majority and opposition.
Edmond Spaho, Edi Paloka and Albana Vokshi complained of having the draft budget only two hours earlier and had no time to get to know its content.
“We were notified two hours ago and we have no idea about the draft budget and the fiscal laws that accompany it. The draft budget has not been verified at the Commission of Economy”, Spaho declared.
However, the Parliament Speaker said the summoning of the Conference of Chairmen serves only for the presentation of the budget by the Minister, and agreeing with its schedule.
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