Budget 2017, changes for payments of diplomat spouses and children

23/11/2016 00:00

The Foreign Minister, Ditmir Bushati, introduced a new initiative at the
draft-budget 2017 which foresees a payment for children and spouses of
diplomats. The payment will be 450 EUR or 500 USD per month for spouses,
and 180 EUR or 200 USD per children.

Same as a few days ago, opposition Parliament Members have heated up discussions in Parliamentary commission meetings, this time at the Foreign Policy, where Foreign Minister had a verbal altercation with MP Kastriot Islami.

“You should have never been a Minister! Thug!”, he said, and was followed by MP Aldo Bumci, who added: “A fraudulent liar for Foreign Minister! Man of scandals out of Albania”, who accused the Foreign Ministry of freezing the relations with Greece and tensioning those with Kosovo. Bushati answered back:

“What do you mean with unfrozen relations? What you did with the maritime border agreement, with the cemetery, after leaving Albanians stuck in the border? This is what you call an unfrozen relation?”, Bushati said.

MP Arta Dade condemned the language used by the Parliament Members, who have also been Foreign Ministers in the past.

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