Budget 2015, Ahmetaj: “Higher economic growth”. Bode: “Evidence of crisis”

17/10/2016 00:00

Discussions about Budget 2015 spurred harsh debates between the Minister
of Finances, Arben Ahmetaj, and opposition Parliament Members.

“Budget 2015 fulfills the main objectives, focusing on reforms. It guarantees further fiscal consolidation and reinforces economic growth”, Ahmetaj declared.

Ahmetaj said that beside supporting the economy, Budget 2015 also stabilized finances.

“The deficit for 2015 goes to 2.8%, the lowest in our country’s history”, Ahmetaj underlined.

For the opposition, Budget 2015 is the government’s failure certification.

“2015 has the maximal historic level of the public debt, at 73%. It has never been at that level”, Bode said.

According to Bode, the budget has deteriorated the citizens’ life, but the Minister of Finances claims exactly the opposite.

“Salaries and pensions have not increased. This shows a further impoverishing of Albanians”, Bode said.

“Compared to the past year, employment increasedw with 4.8%”, Ahmetaj said.

The government spends 30% of the GDP with the budget. The Supreme State Audit says that abuses from institutions are not small.

“The audits realized so far verified 8 billion ALL of damage”, declared the Head of the SSA, Bujar Leskaj.

Leskaj asked the government to reduce the budget amends through normative acts, because it increases the chances of abuses, according to him.

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