Brussels terror attacks, Albanian leaders express solidarity, raise security

22/03/2016 00:00

Belgium and the entire world were shocked today by terror attacks carried out on the Metro and Airports of Brussels. ISIS took responsibility for the
attack that caused at least 30 victims.

The Albanian President, Bujar Nishani, condemned the terror attacks in Brussels during a meeting with the General Secretary of Europe, Thorbjorn Jagland.

The President expressed his condolences to the victims and his support to the Belgian authorities.

“I express on my behalf, and on behalf of the people of Albania, the deepest condolences to the families of the victims that were caused by the terror attack today in Brussels. I want to express the solidarity of Albanians to the Belgian people. We will stay united to win over these barbarians acts that do not represent the values of religion, which are harmony, co-existence and respect”, the President said.

The Albanian Prime Minister, Edi Rama, reacted on Facebook regarding the terror attacks that were verified this morning in Brussels.

Rama said that the “bombs that inseminate death in the heart of Europe will make Europe stronger”.

“Europe will rise to win this new war on behalf of freedom”, Rama said.

Opposition leader, Lulzim Basha, joined the reactions of the Albanian political class regarding the Brussels attacks.

“The terror acts took dozens of innocent lives. These are a testimony of the inhumane, blind and ungodly hate that motivates and feeds terror”, Basha wrote.

Basha expressed the condolences of the DP to the families of the victims, and said that the Democratic Party stands by the Belgian and European authorities in these difficult moments.

After the Brussels terror acts, the police has increased the security measures at the Tirana Airport.

Authorities have checked traveler baggage with specialized equipments and anti-explosive trained dogs.

Higher police presence was also seen patrolling the airport.

The Special Police Forces are also seen close to the airport premises.

The Albanian Embassy in Brussels says no Albanian citizen has been hurt by the terror attacks.

The Foreign Ministry expressed their solidarity with the Belgian government in these difficult moments.

“Albania stands beside the Belgian authorities in the fight against terror and violent extremism”, the announcement says.

The Albanian Embassy in Brussels is in alert for the situation that has been created. Albanians can contact in the number ++32 (0) 488950217.

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