The European Socialist Party, which represents the opposition in most of
the EU member countries, analyzed the consequences of the economic and
financial crisis on the first day of the Congress, considering the right
winged governments and their representatives as responsible.
The German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the French President Sarkozy were considered as the main responsible for the situation in Greece, which also endangered other Euro Zone countries, as the outgoing European Socialist Leader, Paul Rasmussen, declared in his farewell speech.
The former Greek Prime Minister, present at the Euro Socialist Convention, argued that the Greek example speaks for the significance of governing with transparency.
“Transparency is a key factor. In Greece we had no budget transparency, and neither for the public sector. This caused a big problem with the deficit, which we could have stopped if we would have had transparency”, Papandreu declared.
“There was too much inequality, and the lack of transparency can bring corruption. Corruption damaged the middle class, those who have most of the power, who can bring more money, equality and justice for the society. Transparency is a matter of good governing, democracy and social cohesion. For this reason, our government in Greece today holds transparency as a leading flag. Everything is made online, every matter. The budget is online, and this is a good basis for creating a safe Greece”, he continued.
“It is very important for the Albanians and the political class to come together for making transparent all data of the economic reality, otherwise we will soon face a storm that could be terrible for Albania and the Albanians. In this aspect, the experience of the former right winged Greek government, which hid the data, is an experience that must give a good lesson to us”, declared the Socialist leader, Edi Rama.
Besides the Socialist Party delegation, in this progress was also present the Foreign Minister, Edmond Haxhinasto, who represents the Socialist Movement for Integration, but they did not meet.
The danger of another recession in Balkan is very big, because their countries are too exposed to the Euro Zone crisis.
Prepared by: Arta Tozaj
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