Brussels answers to President Nishani about PAMECA

21/10/2016 15:00

The PAMECA mission, which remarked about some flaws with the
Prosecution’s work on delicate matters, is not only an internal matter.
The Prosecution stayed silent after the critical report, but President
Nishani considered it unacceptable.

But the European Commission has not welcomed nor supported this stance of the President. In a communication with Top Channel, the Spokesperson for the European Commission refused to comment the content of the PAMECA report, since it is has not been officially published, but Brussel clearly supported their work.

Different from what the President called blackmail against the Prosecution, and invalid debates, the European Commission believes that PAMECA has built good dialogue and cooperation with the institutions that benefit in Albania, including the Prosecution, by supporting their efforts in the fight against corruption and organized crime.

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