Brussels answers after harsh Greek reaction on Cham case

30/09/2016 12:00

The European Commission encourages dialogue between Albania and Greece
to discuss suspended matters between both countries. This stance was
reinforced by spokesperson Maja Kocijancic, when asked by Greek
reporters in Brussels about the declarations of Mr.Hahn, who mentioned
the Cham case too.

“As regards Albania and Greece, the Commission has been informed by both countries in the beginning of the year, that they have both the intention to deepen their dialogue and discuss suspended matters that require clarity for reinforcing bilateral relations. In this context, the Commissioner recommended especially the proposition of the Greek part, to discuss a platform that might allow more constructive dialogue regarding all matters. In this context, the Commissioner encouraged both countries to continue their cooperation. This is the spirit in which the Commissioner answers to a number of questions araised by the European Parliament Members. We have been informed that both countries intend to deepen dialogue and we encourage them to avoid possible misunderstandings on important matters”, she said.

But the Greek journalist insisted if the Cham case is existent or not.

“The Commission is following the engagement of both countries for discussing suspended matters which require clarity for reinforcing the bilateral relations. It has not gone beyond this”, Kocijancic declared.

But official Athens remains revolted. The Spokesperson of the Greek Foreign Ministry reacted immediately, saying some people in Brussels do not understand the importance of not lying.

This clash of Greece with the EU started after Commissioner Johannes Hahn declared that Albania and Greece have still suspended matters to discuss, such as the Cham case.

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