Britain reacts for “Crown Agents”

04/11/2013 00:00

The attacks addressed by the opposition after the Rama government chose
the “Crown Agents” as a consultant of the Albanian Customs have brought a
reaction of the British Embassy in Tirana.

A few hours after the Democratic Party leader, Lulzim Basha, accused the government of lacking of transparency and of corruption regarding the agreement, the UK Embassy sent a press release to the media:

“Albania has been having problems with the tax and customs income collection for several tie, and there is an immediate need for a serious intervention to increase income from tax and customs, so that the Albanian government can secure services and projects that are needed from the citizens. There is also a request for a long-term construction of the capacities in the Customs field, and for taking measures to reduce the corruption level”.

The British company “Crown Agents” has proposed a project for improving the management and performance of the customs service, including elements for recruiting, training and career management, according to the embassy’s announcement.

The embassy says that the decision for this project is completely up to the Albanian government and the Albanian Parliament, keeping in mind the needs of Albania, the content of the project and its cost.

“However, it is important to take in consideration the fact that Crown Agents is a respected company in Great Britain. This company was part of the UK government until it was privatized in 1997, and the British government has still a place in the Foundation Crown Agents, which supervises the activities of the company. It has been involved in more than 100 countries and has worked in several projects for the UK, the United States of America and Japan. It has managed specific projects in the customs area and with great success in Bulgaria, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo. Crown Agents works in full accordance with the legislation of the UK regarding its practice businesses, and the laws of the countries in which it is working. Keeping the highest principles and ethical standards is very important for the company and the British government”, the declaration says.

The British Embassy rejects all accusations made by opposition politicians during the last days, in which they attacked the reputation of Crown Agents.

“The project proposed by Crown Agents is a legal topic for the media and the political debate. Certainly that there are arguments in favor and against this proposition. However, some individuals in the Albanian politics and media have made false accusations of corruption and dishonest business practices against Crown Agents, by even trying to connect the activity of the company with former renowned members of the British government”, the declaration underlines.

“Those who discuss the project should be aware that these confirmations are completely unfounded”, the British Embassy declaration says.

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