Although she was present on today’s protest, MP Majlinda Bregu, one of
the most critical voices of the opposition, said that today’s protest
was fa ilure.
The Democratic Party MP said that the party has been abandoned by supporters while leader Basha speaks about an imaginary new republic.
“The empty boulevard we saw today is a clear message for everyone who have eyes and ears. The Democratic Party has been alone more than ever today. The DP cannot stimulate a revolt they cannot lead, because an imaginary new republic with a real and dangerous majority, cannot function. The DP cannot spek with itself and stay closed inside the tent”, Bregu said on Facebook.
Bregu said that Sali Berisha is one and he cannot be copied or repeated. She blamed the current leadership of the Democratic Party for the situation.
“This party needs vision and leadership, not preaching for something that will never happen. But today, men and women who have nothing to share with each other, rather than the good will to rebuild the DP, should incarnate the leadership of the DP, the spirit of those who protested on the boulevard to bring down the old republic but returned empty-handed to the same poverty, abandoned and forgotten by this old government, which we are reviving with the old infantile fantasy that cannot be called a program”, Bregu said.
According to Bregu, although the DP is to blame for not being part of the elections, this is the time to protest against the government and the evil which citizens are facing each day.
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