Bregu: “After Brexit, relations between Western Balkan and the EU are uncertain”

18/01/2017 00:00

Former Minister of Integration, Majlinda Bregu, said that the relations
of Western Balkans with the EU are completely uncertain after Brexit,
and that dialogue and transparency are the only things that unite the

Invited to Belgrade, Bregu said that Kosovo is not Serbia, it is not Albania either, but an independent country since 2008.

“There is a wall, a train and an arrest order which don’t help the dialogue spirit between Belgrade and Prishtina. These things are putting in danger the historic achievements of Western Balkans and also good neighboring. The other reason why I am here today, besides the invitation from the chief negotiator of Serbia, is my conviction that what unites us, and what we must build in the future, can be realized only through dialogue and transparency. After Brexit, the relations of Western Balkan with the EU are completely uncertain. No problem that is related to Western Balkan, or even to Europe itself, can be resolved without partners”, she said.

Bregu added that we must cooperate, not fight, if we want our region to have significance. “Borders are changed with war, not peace. War is never a solution”, Bregu declared, after being invited at the conference “EU and Western Balkan after Brexit”.

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