Brace, truth about the Leze ballots

22/07/2013 19:40

The Socialist Party Parliament Member, Erjon Brace, based on the recount
of the Lezhe ballot boxes and the claims raised by the incumbent Prime
Minister, who declared that there have been manipulations in this
district, gives a detailed analysis of the situation.

Brace says that the ballot boxes during these 25 days were not administered by legitimated parties, such as polling stations and zonal electoral centers, but by the government and one man like Berisha and the people close to him.

Brace raises strong suspicions for interferences at the ballot boxes while they were deposited in Lunder. Brace makes a deep analysis of Berisha’s claim that 742 votes have been robbed from him, and this is considered a great manipulation.

“In Lezhe, after the Central Election Commission’s recount, 81.761 ballots were found in total and 80342 of them were invalid. The 781 votes, the difference that came out of the recount, are only 0.97% of the valid votes”, Brace declared.

Three of four zonal electoral centers had no irregularities, but one of them had problems in 10 out of 258 ballot boxes.

Five of them had corrected numbers of the materials, and five others had nothing in the registerer tabulate.

From 781 votesh, 439 are suspected as manipulated, while 342 as human error.

Only 136 votes have eben removed from the Democratic Party in the entire district, or 0.1% of the valid votes.

According to Brace, this data has to be proved by a constitutional institution.

“The manipulation might have been made from both side, from criminal ballot counters or from a criminal family that administered the ballots in the Lunder depots”, Brace declared.

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