Saying that the Parliament cannot discharge the Governor and the
Supervisory Council of the Bank of Albania, the Chairman of the
Commission of Economy, Erjon Brace, answered to the public concern about
the measures that should be taken against Fullani, after the
superscandal of the theft of more than 7 million USD at the Central
Brace warned that there will be legal amends about how the Governor or the Supervisory Council can be discharged, and explained that the current law foresees only two cases for the discharging procedures: the first one, when the proposal comes from the government, and the second from the Supervisory Council itself.
But even for this, the law is limited and gives them the right to take measures only when the governor or a council member is sentenced with prison by courts.
“The Parliament is simply an executing institution. This is one of the biggest problems with the law. Other countries have resolved situations like this with resignation, but this culture doesn’t exist. In this case, we must foresee everything in the law”, Brace declared.
The process for planning the new law for the bank will start as soon as the commission of economy will close a series of measures that will be taken the first day of the new parliamentary session, such as the hearing sessions with the general inspector of the Bank of Albania, the public hearing with the Supervisory Council and the verification of the reports for three working groups, in order to bring out the responsibilities of each individual for the situation at the Bank of Albania, and for the theft that has continued for years.
“We cannot accept that the Supervisory Council, which is the leading institution of the Bank of Albania, and the governor, who is the executive director, say that they have no administrative responsibilities. That’s what we want, administrative responsibilities. If the director is not responsible, than this aspect should be regulated by the law so that everyone takes his own responsibilities”, Brace declared.
Brace declared that the new law will also regulated other aspects of the functionality of the Central Bank, starting from nepotism, inspectors, audit and transparency.
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