The Chairman of the Parliamentary Commission of Economy, Erion Brace,
asked the Minister of Finances to not allow the Bank of Albania to make
the state budget pay for the theft of 7.1 million USD.
“The law allows you to be present at the Supervisory Council of the Bank of Albania, without the right to vote. Please transmit this concern to the Commission. The damage caused by the people who work there should not be paid by the state budget”, Brace declared.
One day ago Top Channel discovered a scheme through which the stolen money at the Bank of Albania will be covered by the citizens, by reducing the profit that this institution transfers to the budget. For Mr.Brace the cost should fall on the Bank itself.
“They must cut the huge spending and should be more honest to the Albanian citizens”, Brace declared.
The stolen money has reduced the Bank’s capital with 713 million ALL, which the Bank aims to replace by reducing the annual profit they give for the budget.
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