Brace: Legal problems with presidential decree for Governor

08/12/2014 00:00

The Proposition of President Bujar Nishani for the new government seems
to be projecting a conflict between him and the Parliament.

The Chairman of the Commission of Economy, Erjon Brace, declared that he will ask the Commission of Laws to evaluate the legality of the decree that proposes Genti Sejko as Governor of the Bank of Albania.

“As I have said before, there is only one big legal problem in the Bank of Albania history, which is related to the right of proposing the members of the Bank of Albania Supervisory Council. The law says that five members are proposed by the Parliament, three by the government ad one by the Supervisory Council of the Bank of Albania. No other institution can appoint member of the Supervisory Council of the Bank of Albania”, Brace declared.

According to Brace, besides this stalemate there is another argument that increases the need to evaluate the legality of the President’s proposal.

“There are precedents for the appointing of the Governor since 1992. The precedents show how the Governor is appointed and what role he has had”, Brace declared.

Is this declaration from Brace a sign that the majority will vote against the candidate proposed by the President?

“I am not speaking about candidates or decrees, but about a very clear legal issue. Certainly, this is a very important issue. The Bank of Albania matter is very important, same as the matter of the Supervisory Council members. It should be resolved with calm and understanding between the institutions. Personal intentions do not serve to anyone”, Brace declared.

The Commission of Economy amended the law a few days ago after an initiative of 29 majority Parliament Members. This law removed Albanian citizenship as a condition for the members of the Supervisory Council and the Governor.

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