Brace: Energy depending from Serbian mafia

19/04/2012 15:00

The Kosovo-Albania power line scandal spurred harsh debates in the
Albanian Parliament, with the Socialist MP presenting statistics that
show that the energy system in Albania is under the Serbian control, by
damaging this way the national security.

“93% of the value, and 95% of the general quantity of energy for KESH are imported from three companies only, and all of them are Serbian. It is up to our ‘patriotic’ President to answer how there is no concern for the fact that our country completely depends from these importers”, Brace reported.

The Minister of Finances, Ridvan Bode, declared that the Democrats were the ones who started the construction of the Kosovo-Albania power line, and not the Socialists who today launch accusations.

“We took the electric energy, we started the entire procedure. In this tender, the difference between the offers is 44% higher and every Albanian would have the right to ask why we chose a tender that offers 48 million EUR, and not one with 21 million EUR less”, Bode declared.

Bode reiterated that the government will cancel the tender and accused the opposition of defending mafia interests.

“Not only the opposition doesn’t have the courage to thank us, or at least stay silent,but they are asking us to give the tender to someone that costs 21 million EUR more. How can you ask this? This is not honest, and we have the right to launch accusations”, the Minister of Finances declared.

Brace answered:

“The government is trying to hide and consider these as mafia concern while in fact the mafia is has taken the Prime Minister by its side. The mafia has taken the entire energy system in the region, especially in Albania, in which it is clearly shown that the company that is protected by the Prime Minister is completely a Balkan mafia”.

The Minister of Finances was not satisfied by the procedures followed by the German KFW, which are favoring a corruptive case.

“The German Bank should have notified the Albanian company, and they haven’t done this, so that we could declare that one candidate as winner, and only after receiving approval from our side, we could finally make the agreement official. Don’t try to find other causes for covering a corruption that should be reported”, Bode accused.

Socialist MP, Arben Ahmetaj, replied:

“Mr. Minister, in respect of the public and your name, do not lie, because the Transmission System Operator has been notified and I have here the notification e-mail for the result and decision of the German Bank. The technical report favors the Croatian company and no one can believe that KFW is part of the mafia. I believe that the Albanian institutions must investigate this case that goes beyond the limit of a corruptive affair with a tender that is closely related with the interest of the Albanians”.

The tender for the construction of the Kosovo-Albania power line was held on March 2011. The German KFW Bank that finances the project chose the Croatian Dalekvod Company as winner.

But the Albanians chose the company ranked second in the competition, a Bosnian company. For this reason, the relations between the German Bank and the Albanian government have deteriorated, and there have been delays for the realization of this project.

This fact was commented by the Kosovo media, which accused the government of having affairs with the Serbian-Bosnian mafia. Through a letter that has come to the possession of Top Channel, the KFW Bank declared that the procedures were regular and the new procedures would cost at least 15 million EUR, twice bigger than the price difference between the two companies.

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