Brace: Berisha was caught in the act

12/04/2013 19:45

Erjon Brace, a Socialist MP who three months ago reported the arms
traffic of the Ministry of Defense, led by Arben Imami, comments on the
UN report that he now considers as a battle that the Ministry lost
against the SP and the MPs of the National Security Commission.

Brace says that Berisha has been caught red-handed, same as with the other embargos that have been violated.

“This is a repeated event, especially with Sali Berisha. As President he has trafficked arms to Rwanda; the oil and arms embargo in the former Yugoslavia and this is the third report which is about the last three years.

According to Brace, this report should not be overlooked or archived, but the political actors who are responsible should be brought to justice. He addressed some questions to PM Berisha, since he considers this treason to the NATO and the US.

 “Berisha must explain today if he and his government have given any political decision to supply with guns the criminal regime of Muammar Gaddafi. Has there been a government decision to keep trading with military people that have been banned by the UN, in favor of Gaddafi?”, Brace explains.

Brace says that it is up to the General Prosecutor of the Republic to start a serious investigation based on this report.

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