Albanian boxer Keta won over Russian Marat Kazev with KO
The Albanian boxer, Gjetan Keta, won the match with Marat Kazev, from Russia, by keeping this way the Euro-Asian title for the WBC category.
Before the match, Keta greeted the Albanian football players who defended our flag in Serbia, and guaranteed that the Albanian public, different from the Serbian one, will respect the opponent.
“Those Albanian players in Serbia deserve respects for not letting the flag get violated. Different from the Serbs, we are welcoming and I will be the first one to shake the opponent’s hand”, Keta declared.
The Albanian fans respected the Russian hymn of boxer Kazev.
As for the match, it started with a defensive tactic for Kazev and offensive for Keta.
The first round was equal, the second showed more advantage for the Albanian boxer, and the third one ended with a KO.
Keta hit the opponent in the side of the body. Kazev resited to that hit a few seconds but then he fell on the carpet.
The athletes greeted each other in the end in sign of respect.
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