Bostinaru, letter to Albanians

14/04/2011 20:10

After the tensioned session and the confrontation with Albanian Parliament Speaker Jozefina Topalli, Victor Bostinary addressed a letter to the Albanian people.

In this letter he says that he is friend of the European Albania, but he cannot leave without criticizing the negative behavior of Albanian politicians who act in an antidemocratic way.

Bostinaru considered the Albanian political situation as critic, due to many negative events, but he expresses his optimism that the Albanian people will overcome it stronger than before.

“Please let me address you with a few words, that do not in any way intend to be a reply of the declaration made on 24 February in the Albanian Parliament by the Speaker of the Parliament, and that astonishingly repeated today in the European Parliament, but rather aim at clarifying the importance I attach to Albania and what are the principles that guide my activity in favor of your country as Member of the European Parliament, Vice-Chair of the Delegation for Relations with the Countries of South-East Europe, and Vice-Chair of the EU-Albania Stabilization and association Parliamentary Committee.”

“Replying to the deplorable behavior of the Speaker of the Albanian Parliament would mean weakening my dignity, and this is why I prefer to follow a different approach to inform the public opinion on the real situation and of what is happening today in Albania”.

“All what I have done in my political life, both in Romania and in the European Parliament, has always been led by values, values like democracy, solidarity, well functioning of democratic institutions. Values and ideals that have made me help and support all countries aspiring to join, as my own country has recently done, the European Union.”

“I am an old friend of Albania, and this is the reason, together with the ideals I just mentioned, why I fought, am fighting, and will continue to fight for a better Albania, a more democratic Albania, hopefully soon European Albania.”

“And if this sometimes means attacking or condemning some political behaviors, obviously I do not hesitate to do so. Because important goals are never easy to achieve and being soft on some occasions is much more harmful than helpful. I never hesitated to condemn Romanian leaders when they broke basics democratic rules, or violated basic fundamental rights, and the same way I behaved also with foreign leaders if was the occasion. In the same way I behaved with Albania, when I started to understand that things were going in the wrong direction”.

“But if this is the way it works with politicians such as Ms. Josefina Topalli and other members of the Democratic Party of Albania, I need to be clear in saying that this is not the rule applied in the European Parliament and in the European Union. Actually, this is exactly what we, here, condemn and reject.”

“I would like to tell you, my dear Albanian friends, that in me there is today a big interior battle. A battle between my feelings towards Albania, the Albanian people, your culture, your EU aspirations on the one hand, and the understanding of the current situation on the other hand. It is indeed difficult to support such a government when there is such an antidemocratic behavior; high-level corruption seems to have become normality, there are no hesitations to shoot on those citizens they should protect just because they are peacefully demonstrating.”

“I hope Albania will manage to come out of the current situation as soon as possible, hopefully stronger than before and with the necessary requirements to start again its progress for EU integration. Meanwhile, I will continue with no hesitation to support all those people striving for the future of Albania, and combating all those who try to mix up their own interests with those of your country”.

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