The explosions at the pharmacy of Bashkim Tahiri and that to the bus station in the Muhamet Gjollesha street are related.
This has come as a result from the investigations held so far, and has been confirmed by the General Chief of Police, Artan Didi. Didi explained that in both places was used a dynamite of 400 grams, both placed by the same man.
The police has published the photos of the man who placed the dynamite at 2:23 and exploded it 32 minutes later. Sources within the investigative group have discovered the movements of the bomber.
Top Channel has learned that the number have been bough on January 31st and February 2nd in the suburbs of Tirana, Lapraka. They were bought with fictive names, and that is how the police has asked the companies about the procedure.
The person who activated the phone cards is the same seen on the pictures published by the police. He has traveled in the early hours of that morning from Linza. He has placed the first bomb at the pharmacy and then has returned to Linza, where he has activated the bombs through the same number. The first bomb blew up, but the second didn’t. The investigations are on and police is inspecting the cameras placed by the Municipality.
The General Chief of Police declared for the media that they are not investigating only the authors, but also those who have armed them.
“Our investigations are focused not only on the possible authors, but also to understand who has armed the criminal hand that goes against the people or the relatives of those who fight crime. Who feeds hate against the law and the institutions that represent it? The State Police reiterates that we are determined in the fight against crime, especiallhy against such criminal acts that aim to cause panic to the Albanian citizens. We guarantee that we will bring those who are responsible to justice”, Didi declared.
For Didi, these are terrorist attacks that will not stop the fight that the police has started against the organized crime. He said that mafia organizations hide behind these attacks.
“They are interested to destabilize the situation every time that the state structure are not part of their game. Remember Falcone and Borselino. This is not something that can be resolved by removing the people. This is a spirit of awareness for the implementation of the law. It is becoming part of the police and of the lawmaking structures, because this is what the Albanians requested. The years of chaos are over”, Didi declared.
The Chief of Polcie asked cooperation among all institutions. As for the bomb at the house of the police officer, Alfred Numani, the investigation team declared that this is an isolated case, which is undergoing other investigations.
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