Bojaxhi accuses Tirana Municipality of building new bridge without permission

27/12/2016 00:00

The Tirana Municipality has just built a new bridge over the Lana river,
but Gjergj Bojaxhi, one of the critics of several municipal projects,
launched accusations that the legal procedures have not been followed
for that bridge and for other projects around Tirana.

“The Municipality has built a parallel system, illegal and non-administrative with our taxes. We don’t know who pays for these projects, and why they are done against the law. The bridge was built illegally, has no sign. If the law would be implemented, the State Police would have arrested whoever has built that object”, Bojaxhi declared.

Top Channel interviewed some passerby citizens about the bridge. “We feel safer with the new one. The older is dangerous. Ever cars have gone through it. I’ve seen a Smart driving over it”, one of them says.

The Municipality not only rebukes Bojaxhi’s accusations, but they also add that the building of this bridge was a request made by the community.

The old bridge will be destroyed after the inauguration of the newer one.

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