The former Democratic Party Minister of Finances, Ridvan Bode, declared
that the International Monetary Fund and the Albanian government are
involved in a silent compromise to transmit a non-real crisis situation
for the public.
“For the first time, the Minister of Finances and the International Monetary Fund leader are on the same page, because each of them wants to benefit from the situation. The International Monetary Fund is interested to have an agreement and unfortunately, the Minister of Finances declared one day ago that they are interested to bring the public debt to the paramters of 70% and 73%”, Bode declared.
Bode declared that this agreement is made for their close interests and it damages our country by bringing the economy in an unknown orientation.
“Certainly that everyone has his own interest, and I think that both of them had benefits yesterday, but the country goes in another and undefined direction”, Bode declared.
The former Minister of Finances listed a series of arguments that according to him reject the claims of the government and International Monetary Fund initially for the due debt of 55 billion that the government owes to the private sector.
“The Minister of Finances declared publicly that the due payments to CEZ and KESH are part of the debt in the central and local administrations, in great numbers. This is not correct. The payments that firms claim for VAT reach 150 million USD, he says. In 2005 they said 300 million USD. They should justify the excessive spending in some ministries in which they want to increase their part for themselves. This is not correct and not a duty of the Minister of Finances”, Bode declared.
Bode says that the only unpaid obligations of this government are in public investments, but the number is much lower than what the International Monetary Fund and the Ministry of Finances claim.
“It is 11 billion ALL in this summer. If they can include all of this in the hidden debt, that would mean that it is less than 0.7% of the budget deficit. From 62 it is going 63% of the Gross Domestic Product, but they cannot say that it will go 73%”, Bode declared.
Yesterday the International Monetary Fund and the Ministry of Finances declared that the public debt has reached more than 70% of the Gross Domestic Product due to the slowdown of the income and the hidden obligations of the government.
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