Blushi: What happened in Elbasan was orchestrated by the SP

07/03/2016 00:00

Socialist MP Ben Blushi declared this Monday, right after the meeting of
the SP Parliamentary Group, that what happened in Elbasan was organized
by the party.

“I forgive the boys who are under psychological pressure. I would like to see the SP distance themselves from this policy. The Socialist Party not only governs, but also has a role to educate people”, Blushi said.

If the Party does not distance itself from this behavior, there is a huge pedagogic problem. People are being encouraged to hate and oppose with violence those who don’t think like them. There was violence in Elbasan and the Socialist Party should distance itself from this tendency”, the MP said.

As for the decriminalization process, Blushi said: “The SP voted the decriminalization law. There would be no reason to vote if they didn’t have any criminal in the party”.

MP Taulant Balla said the Socialist Parliamentary Group had harsh debates: “There were debates about how an MP has constantly thrown mud against his party’s image. He says there are criminals in our group. We asked him for names. He didn’t give any”.

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