After Ben Blushi criticized the majority he’s part of, another MP of the
majority, Eduard Bejko, asked him today what his alternatives are to
resolve social problems, especially poverty. Blushi answered by focusing
mostly on poverty:
“The fight against poverty is not enough. There are things that should be done so that we can bring the poor people at least to a decent level. Our biggest threat today is poverty. Albania has 400.000 people who live with 200 ALL a day or less. Families live with 5000 ALL each month and we give only 40 ALL for them”, he said.
Bushi doesn’t see higher taxes for the richer as an alternative to bring the poor out of misery levels.
“I do not favor feeding the poor without they do anything, but we all spend 1000 ALL only at the Parliament’s bar for a coffee and a lemonade”, he added.
The Socialist MP said that these are the reasons why this majority was voted, that’s why he appealed the government to raise the minimal salary, pensions and social welfare.
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