Bistrica, one of the forgotten industrial towns of communism, is part of the “Mesopotam” commune in Delvina.
The 130 remaining residents are suffering the consequences of the “town” status that once was an advantage. Most of them are unemployed, although the hydro-power plant promised to employ all of them years ago. Due to the status “industrial area”, the residents didn’t benefit any land or property.
Leonidha Kucuqi says: “With the fall of the dictatoship system, many workers were fired and there is no future in our town”.
Vasili, Panajoti, Stavrulla and dozens of other workers remember how they moved in Bistrica and how their life was tied to this construction.
“This cannot be called a village, because there are no farms or cattle here”, Vasili explains.
While Panajot Boli says that the government should regulate these situations, since the bistruica residents have no jobs now without the hydropower plant.
The life of this town was tied to the construction of hydropower plants, but most of them were fired after it was privatize. The “Kurum” company fired dozens of workers by improving the technology.
Residents say that no one took in consideration their status, while most of them don’t see any reason to live close to the hydropower plant.
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