Berisha’s theories concern EU

08/12/2012 00:00

The Prime Minister’s nationalistic declarations were not welcomed in Brussels.

The concern for the nationalist rhetoric has turned into an amend for the resolution of the European Parliament, which is voted next Wednesday and according to Top Channek’s diplomatic sources, this concern is expected to be included in the EU Ministers for Albania conclusions.

“We appeal to avoid all declarations that go against good relations with neighbors”, the confidential sources declared. If this paragraph is included in conclusions, it would darken for the first time one of the rarest policies that EU praises in Albania: the constructive approach in the relation with neighbours.

EU member countries’ representatives continued discussing the draft-conclusions for the annual enlargement strategy. For Albania, besides the three incomplete matters, there is also the elections’ issue.

According to the sources, Germany, Netherlands and France insist that the elections should be a condition, but other countries agree that this term should not be so strict in the final text. “Holding successful elections in 2013 will be essential for the functionality of democratic institutions”, declared Top Channel’s sources.

The text of the draft-conclusions will pass to the EU Council of Foreign Ministers, while the final and official verdict will be taken by the Council of General Matters that will be held this Tuesday on December 11th. The decision will pass for a formal approval by the heads of EU governments on the second day of the EU summit.


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