Berisha’s electoral campaign is without funds, former DP prime minister has the keys to the party’s headquarters but not to the treasury

11/04/2023 21:22

The electoral campaign for the Albanian local elections has come to a start, but for the DP opposition faction led by Sali Berisha, the first effects of the financial crisis of the ‘divorce’ are being felt.

The Economy Commission granted the CEC a fund of 100 million ALL to distribute to political parties, where Berisha and his group are not beneficiaries.

Most of the campaign money according to seats in the parliament will go to the socialists in power.

The agreed figure angered the deputies of the Berisha group in the DP, who only have the keys to the headquarters and not to the party treasury.

“You who are undertaking this initiative have never suffered for funds.

Even in order to finance the campaign, you did not hesitate to use illegal sources, crime and drugs money” – said DP Deputy Edmond Spaho.

Spaho’s concern is related to the fact that the campaign money will go to the head of the other DP faction, Enkelejd Alibeaj, while Sali Berisha will be left in the hands of his ally Ilir Meta to finance the campaign of his candidates.

“The question of how you will divide them between you is not ours.” – said socialist commission representative Blerina Gjylameti.

To distribute the campaign money, Election Commissioner Ilirjan Celibashi will be based on the results of the 2015 elections, as the last local elections were boycotted by the then DP opposition.

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