Berisha’s double standards

18/04/2012 00:00

The Albanian Prime Minister, Sali Berisha, defended the decision for
selecting as winner of the tender for the Kosovo-Albania power line
construction, the company that was ranked second in the list, since it
gave the lowest price.

But Berisha is the one that for the construction of the new Parliament preferred the most expensive offer, since it guaranteed more quality.

On 13 March 2012, Berisha declared:

“Even if the jury would have chosen a project that would cost 5 or 10 million Euro more than this, the value would be the same. In essence, we decide without any other reason, besides having a given financial sum. In this case, every cent is valuable, but for the first building of the Albanian nation, this difference is not that much for obliging the Committee taking another decision. This is not civilized.

On 17 April 2012, Prime Minister Sali Berisha declared:

The offer for which Edi Rama claims that it is 30% more expensive than the offer the TSO director thinks that should win, the Minister of Finances informed the Albanians today that they have not accepted and will not accept 10 million USD more loans on the Albanians’ back.

These are two different positions that Berisha has held. Although these are different objects, the tender procedure is the same. For the new Parliament building, the Prime Minister chose the studio with a higher cost.

But for the Kosovo-Albania powerline, Berisha chose the second company, the Bosnian one, which had a lower price.

The Prime Minister claims that the law and the Ministry of Finances are looking for the lower price, based on the public procurement law. The same pretense of the Ministry of Finances was used in the case of the Parliamentary Complex, but the Prime Minister neglected it.

13 March, Minister of Finances, Ridvan Bode:

If for this investment it is not obligatory to choose the one with the lower cost, than it is up to the experts. In general we chose the lower cost. We do not make the operation. We are not the Commission.

This double standard coming from the Prime Minister seems pretty suspicious. In fact, the Austrian media declared that the winner was previously chosen, although the selection of the Austrian studio was made in the last moments, when the committee had selected the Italian company.

As for the construction of the Kosovo-Albania power line, the Kosovo media accused the Albanian government of having delayed this project for protecting his own interests and for his connection wit the Serbian-Bosnian mafia.

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