Berisha suspended 10 days from Parliament

19/04/2014 00:00

An offensive declaration of the former Prime Minister, Sali Berisha,
against Minister Erion Veliaj, made the Parliamentary Bureau to suspend
Berisha for 10 days from the Albanian Parliament, the first decision of
this nature taken for this session.

Berisha’s declaration was considered as very offensive by the Parliament, while the opposition left the room. Minister Veliaj reacted outside the Parliament.

“I never use in my arguments matters about how many times are my adversaries married, whose are their children, or other things like that, but we have the burden to hear the declaration of this man, this clown, that the Albanian people have had the burden to also listen for a long time”, Veliaj declared.

Berisha’s declaration was given during a session that was expected to be tense, due to the police operation in Lazarat.

“Did Berisha talk with Gate Mahmutaj before he turned himself in? How is it possible that Berisha’s phone number was on their phones? Why hasn’t the Democratic Party of Gjirokaster said anything?”, Balla declared.

Berisha: Committed to defend truth

In a press conference, the Democratic Party Parliament Member, Sali Berisha, did not withdraw from his words, but he insisted that he will always tell the truth in order to defend the dignity of citizens which he says has been violated by the Prime Minister.

“Edvin Rama, a neo-blockmen, decided to suspend me from the Parliament. But I will defend the truth with the biggest determination. There have been more serious incidents than what happened today, brutal insults against the Parliament Members and the opposition, but nothing has happened”, the former Prime Minister declared.

He added that “today’s case was dramatic. As it has been known from the media, after exploding against Adi Krasta in a private dinner, two ladies that were present tried to calm things down but the Prime Minister insulted them and their husbands lowered their heads without saying anything. I want to say to Edi Rama that he should not insult ladies in public places. Every time he enters these unbalanced phases, I will tell them at his face, on behalf of those who cannot speak. I will defend the dignity of citizens, violated by the Prime Minister”, Berisha declared.

Debate over Lazarat

The next session was dominated by the debate on Lazarat. The Socialist Party Parliament Member, Taulant Balla, accused the former Prime Minister, Sali Berisha, of having connections with Gate Mahmutaj, the main suspect of the police operation that started a few days ago.

“Did berisha talk with Mahmutaj before he turned himself in? How is it possible that the main number of the cellphones of the suspects, was that of Berisha? How is it possible that the Democratic Party of Gjirokaster has not said anything? People say that he has accused Gate of abandoning the cause. I want to ask Berisha what is Gate’s role in the Democratic Party of Gjirokaster? How is it possible that the leader of the Gjirokaster Democratic Party branch was elected Petrit Abedini, who has been arrested for drug traffic”, declared the Socialist Party Parliament Member, Taulant Balla.

The vice leader of the Democratic Party Parliamentary Group, Edi Paloka, declared: “I don’t know Gate Mahmutaj personally, but the heads of these gangs are in Tirana, in this Parliament room. The heads of the Lazarat gangs were notified one day earlier to leave the scene. We have supported the police forces that fight the drug traffic, but we don’t support the declarations of this Minister, who is looking for blood, speaking on TV with masked police officers behind him. They have removed innocent residents from their homes and this is unacceptable. There are 5000 residents who will defend themselves if they feel threatened. We cannot expect that the drug traffic will be fought by these two people, Rama and Tahiri. None of the Democratic Party Parliament Members had his name appear in Lazarat”, Paloka declared.

The former Prime Minister, Sali Berisha, declared that the government is lying to the Albanian people with the Lazarat operation.

“The police is staying in the suburbs where they have always been without any problem or any fight. The storehouse of Gate Mahmutaj is not inside Lazarat and you are lying to the Albania people. Stop shooting without an objective. Police has the right to return fire to anyone, but it is crazy having police shoot like criminal groups by terrorizing the population. Shooting criminals is right, but shooting in the air it is a real shame”, Berisha declared.

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