Berisha: Status blocked after SP refused to vote laws

27/12/2012 00:00

The Albanian Prime Minister, Sali Berisha, declared in his last
government meeting for 2012 that the biggest Parliament achievements for
this year were the electoral reform and the removal of the immunity for
high rank officials.

“I want to express my valuation for the reforms voted during 2012. This Parliament gave to the Albanian people and the country a President of dignity and integrity”, Berisha declared.

The government leader underlined that the Parliament voted a series of laws and codes, but the three laws for the EU candidate status remain blocked.

“The basic EU institutions told us that the three remaining laws that required qualified majority were the only condition, but the opposition leader openly declared that he would not vote them”, Berisha declared. He added that the opposition leader used the Fier issue as a condition for the three laws.

The Prime Minister declared that the Albanians will vote in 2013 to bring down the wall of blockage.

“This Parliament voted the biggest budget in the history of Albania. Our economic model functioned in the best way. Albania is the fourth country in the world for the economic growth and that of the wellbeing of its citizens”, Berisha declared.

The Prime Minister underlined that Albania has paved in a very short time more than 10.000 km of road, and added that bigger steps were taken in developing renewable energy.

“Foreign investments reached 316% in Albania. Our country is the only one in the region that decreased unemployment progressively”, Berisha declared.

According to the Prime Minister, the government has shown maximal care for the distribution of incomes.

The head of the Socialist Parliamentary Group, Gramoz Ruci, declared that the Prime Minister should give concrete examples for the war against corruption, and he reminded that the Presidential election was not an achievement.

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