Berisha responds to negative statement of the American representative Escobar: The citizens have shown who is their legitimate representative

21/05/2024 16:26

Former democrat prime minister Sali Berisha reacted after the statement of the US envoy for the Balkans, Gabriel Escobar, who called on the opposition not to appoint as president someone who “reminds us of the clashes of the ’90s”, referring to Berisha.

Berisha posted his response to the social networks:

“I remind Mr. Escobar that the worst time for Albanians was when the opposition was banned by law and then it was turned into a facade. In a democratic country, the opposition is elected by vote and is not appointed with threats like ‘to eat grass’”.

Berisha was referring to an expression used earlier by former US ambassador to Tirana, Yuri Kim.

His statement went on:

“The opposition supporting citizens showed it with their vote in two elections, despite the manipulations, the arbitrary removal of the party’s logo, the complete lack of funds, commissioners and counters, shameful threats, they have courageously shown who their legitimate representative is. Those who demand appointed oppositions do not serve democracy but Putinization.

“Whereas the 90s were the years of awakening and leaving the dictatorship. The years when the Democratic Party led the democratic revolution of overthrowing the dictatorship and the transition of the country from monism to democracy. At that time, James Baker said to the Albanians: ‘You have the right to choose your leaders’”!

“Too bad that after 30 years a bureaucrat tells them that if you choose those that you want you will eat grass! I am sure that Albanians and democrats have a very simple choice between these two models.”

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