Berisha: “Rama wants to capture reform”. Xhafaj: “DP doesn’t want it”. Blushi accuses both

23/06/2016 00:00

The former Albanian Prime Minister, Sali Berisha, admitted that the
country needs a reformed justice system, but he said that regressive
forces want to use the reform to capture it.

According to him, the opposition saved the reform because they “understood that Edi Rama wanted to become the Chief Prosecutor, Chief Judge and Chief Investigator”.

Berisha said that Venice has rejected 38 articles prepared by Fatmir Xhafaj. With “vetting” being the most complicated process of this reform, Berisha said they will agree to vote it if the government accepts article 88 of Venice.

Xhafaj answerd by saying that the opposition blocked the reform and boycotted the Committee.

“The opposition did not want to establish the committee last year, and they were not part of the Parliament. They have boycotted the commission too”, Xhafaj said.

He added that the draft supported by the opposition will free the justice system from political influence.

The former Socialist MP, Ben Blushi, said that both parties have made a hermetic process that says nothing to the Albanian people, who are not really informed about this reform.

“This reform doesn’t protect the poor, but political groups”, Blushi said.

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