Berisha: No waste materials in rivers

20/10/2011 20:00

During a press release at today’s Parliamentary session, Prime Minister
Sali Berisha promised to end the waste dump in the country’s rivers.

“The inspectorate must categorically stop any dump of waste materials in the Shkumbin River. They must execute the harshest sanctions in case this rule will be infringed, and the Rrogozhina landfill must be regulated with great priority from the Ministry of Public Works and Transport, and from the Ministry of Environment”, Berisha declared.

These are the emergent tasks that the Prime Minister left to the cabinet members for eliminating the problem of burning waste materials near the Shkumbin River.

These waste materials do not have only food origin. Among them are many substances that turn this part of Shkumbin into a toxic area.

Within January 15th, 7 Municipalities and Communes must approve the new places where the inert materials will be deposited, for not polluting Shkumbin River any further.

After requesting the planning of legal sanctions for any local leaders or environment directories that will close one eye in front of the environmental pollution, the head of the Albanian government indirectly reacted to the accusations that the law of urban waste, which the President returned for a review in Parliament, makes the environment situation even more difficult.

“The government has been dealing with this problem systematically, and it will keep dealing with it intensively. We will assign all rules and responsibilities, because our environment laws are very advanced and of the best standards. The ‘Alliance of rubbish’ or that of ‘antiglobalists’ can say whatever they want, but this government has had and will have the protection of the environment as its main priority”, Berisha declared.

In this weekly meeting, the Government took another important decision by approving an agreement with the Government of Kosovo for having a joint consultative representation.
This means not only that both governments will have less expenses, but it serves as a unification symbol in the common activity of both countries in diplomacy.

However, Berisha also asked the unification of other practices for easing the bureaucracies for the citizens of both countries.

“Both our countries must follow the same practices, because it is in the best interest of both countries. The Albanians must turn the presence of both governments and administrations in two greater opportunities, not in two bigger bureaucratic obstacles. The Albanians must feel the same in Tirana and Prishtina.”

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