Berisha-Necas: Let’s save CEZ

16/04/2012 00:00

The visit in Tirana of the Czech Prime Minister, Peter Necas, was a good
occasion for both Heads of Governments to consider the relations
between the two countries as excellent.

This relation seems to not have been damaged by the problems that the Czech company, CEZ – which privatized the Energy Distribution System in Albania- has had with the Albanians part in the recent months.

In fact, this was one of the topics in this meeting. Asked by Top Channel, both Prime Ministers accepted the problems with CEZ, but they were optimistic for resolving the disagreement that is mostly related with the debt that the Albanian state owes to CEZ and CEZ to KESH.

“I want to reiterate our commitment for making the CEZ investment a successful one. Berisha assured me that the Albanian part is interested for this to be a successful investment. We know that this process had many disagreements and we hope and believe that these agreements will be resolved. I think that the best solution to this situation will be a good signal for other European companies, which must see the success of foreign investments in your country. CEZ is one of five biggest energy companies in Europe, and this model must be successful. Mr. Berisha assured me that the Albanian part will make everything possible for resolving this problem, and we committed to resolved it”, Necas declared.

“The complex relations with CEZ and other factors in Albania were widely discussed by both parties and we believe that we will resolve the problems and will give a good answer for the created problems. I guaranteed the Prime Minister that our interest is for CEZ to succeed, and we agreed to cooperate for reaching a success story on Albania’s consumers’ behalf and on the CEZ Corporation behalf”, Berisha declared.

Albania has also handed over through the CEZ Republic the request for the EU candidate status. Although three years have passed since the application, the Czech Prime Minister was optimistic for Albania’s chances to receive the status this year. The Czech Prime Minister considered as very important the recent progresses, with the majority and opposition working together for fulfilling the 12 EU recommendations.

Berisha: Parliament developments are normal

PM Sali Berisha declared taht the recent developments in Parliament were very normal and that the opposition tried its political tactic during the election of the new HCJ vice Chairman.

“I consider the Parliamentary developments as the most normal. Two candidacies were presented for one post, and I respect the opposition for presenting theirs. The opposition has the right to use its political tactics and asked no signatures on the ballots, because they feared that someone could add a sign on them for proving for whom had they voted.  In order to avoid any kind of obsession from these signs, we referred to the referendum. The opposition took its own decision, and this is something normal”, Berisha declared.

The Head of the Albanian government considered what happened in parliament as a storm in a glass of water.

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