Berisha-Moore: Free elections

05/12/2012 19:35

The US Director for Europe and Asia at the US State Department, Jonathan
Moore, met today with the Albanian Prime Minister, Sali Berisha, in
which they discussed about important interior and foreign matters.

As regards the reforms for fight against corruption, Berisha declared that the punity of corruptive acts is essential.

The Prime Minister declared that the election of the new Prosecutor General will open a new and more qualitative chapter in the war against corruption.

The Prime Minister valued the professional qualities and the integrity of the candidacy decreed by the Albanian President for this post, as a candidacy that will give the right tone to this institution for a war without compromises, independent and unbiased to corruption and crime.

The Prime Minister guaranteed Mr. Moore that the elections of June 2013 will be free and honest, and he expressed his trust that the government and the opposition have their mutual interest to achieve higher international standards and invited the US to send the biggest number of observers.

Mr. Moore valued the efforts, the leadership and commitment of Prime Minister Berisha in the EU integration process.

By guaranteeing the Prime Minister for the full support of the US in this process, the US State Department representatives expressed the regret that the three laws requires for the EU candidate status were not voted in Parliament, and he encouraged more efforts in this sense.

Prime Minister Berisha expressed his regret for the decision of the opposition leader to block the three laws required by the European Commission.

As regards foreign policy, after valuing the messages left by the US State Secretary Hillary Clinton, Mr. Moore thanked Prime Minister Berisha for Albania’s contribution in NATO as a committed ally of USA in the cause of freedom, democracy and war against terror throughout the world.

He also valued Albania’s voting for the resolution of Palestine in the UN and the constant contribution for peace and stability in Balkan.

Berisha guaranteed Mr. Moore that Albania will continue to be a factor of peace and stability in the region. Berisha underlined that the progress and strengthening of the Albanians’ rights in the region is good for stability and peace.

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